Here's the bus ride to the airport:


After some flights (and a forgotten passport that caused our friend Jeff and his daughter to catch a later flight) we were on a boat. Safety first!

Then we got here.

Emmy will be happy to show you around.

We got ready to swim. No sun gonna burn us.

And with this vest on, E is unsinkable.

On our last day, still no sign of a tan. Rain and caution explain that. Still, D's cheeks were peeling a bit today.

D and his pal got a scuba lesson. As D said later, "Maybe scuba isn't my thing." But good on 'im for trying it out.

We spent a lot of time eating and drinking.

A little backgammon too, for the dads.

We were sad to leave,

but made the best of the car ride. Despite our driver not caring about it, I'm not sure how legal that was in Kota Bharu, a dry Muslim town. Word to the wise to travelers: avoid Kota Bharu.
(photo credit: Desi)

Back at work, so it's back to work for me. Hope warm weather is on its way to you.
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