The question:
Will pouring 1/4 cup and 1/2 cup of water into a one-cup measure cause it to overflow, fill it exactly, or not even fill it to the top?
D's hypothesis:
It will cause it to overflow.
The results:
On Saturday we threw a small party in honor of Emmett's impending maturation to 5, or as we say, "a whole hand." But, out of respect for his desire that any parties for him take place ONLY on his exact birthday, we chose not to call this a birthday party. Hence the cake being decorated as you see here:
"Don't even THINK of wishing me a happy birthday on March 12!"

We lucked out with the weather, so we did crafts and blew bubbles outside. (The guns they are holding in all the pics are bubble guns. Impulse buy, 3 hours before the party, and I guarantee that's all any of them would remember about that day.) You might notice that all 3 guests were girls. Maybe next year, there will be some boys. We just found out that one of E's best buds from his old day care here will be moving back to Shanghai and will attend SAS next year. Woo hoo!
Note: His shirt says 'Divisional Chimps.' (I heart Target)
The following pic is not great of E but so cute of Mia.
Another birthday was celebrated the next day with a trip to the flower market. Sarah wanted plants, so by golly that's what we got her. Here's a cool shot of D checking out the merch.

We saw this dog. It had 4 shoes.

This market also sells other stuff. Naturally, they have bronze sculptures. Emmett likes what he hears.

Then we went for a walk. Cherry blossoms are not a crazy big deal here, like they are in Japan or DC, but we enjoyed them nonetheless.

In other news, D lost one of his front teeth. Eating oatmeal one morning, and I look over and stuff is just pouring out his mouth. "Dad, I swallowed my tooth!" Sure enough, there's blood in the oats, but not tooth to be found. Oh well, the tooth fairy came anyway and left 10 RMB. (About a buck fifty--I know, inflation's a nightmare these days).
Last but not least, Happy St. Patty's Day from 3 Irish-looking people Last year, when someone was taking our picture on St. Patty's, we were all dressed in green, getting ready to smile, and E said "Get out of the picture, blackhead!"
To get in the spirit this morning, Sarah made green smoothies, and I used our cool pancake molds to make this lil' guy. A wise old leprechaun if there ever was one.

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