Anyway, here's the 2 of us out and about after our fun brunch/hotel stay downtown. Sarah opted for the mask not in an attempt to blend in with the locals, as you might guess, but due to all the construction dust. Shanghai Expo starts in 1 month, and boy is this town racing to be ready for it! "Better City, Better Life."

Speaking of Expo, I can't believe how much time has elapsed since its mascot, Hai Bao, has made an appearance on this blog. Time to rectify. (Ed. note: After extensive research, I now see that Hai Bao has NEVER been featured on this blog. Words are useless to convey my shame right now. But here's more pics of Hai Bao in "stereotype" mode)

Some wags in the blogosphere have snidely remarked that Cowboy Hai Bao seems to have a bulge. No comment.
POP QUIZ! A new contest to reward loyal readers who waited out the 2 week lag since last post. What was the date of this blog's first post to mention Expo? The first three to email with the correct date win a free mp3 of their choice, from my collection of over 45,000 songs.
Last, but not least, here's a shot of D at his performance this week. Entire 1st grade did a mini-musical called "3 of a Kind." Rather cute. This proud dad snuck up to the edge of the stage for a pic.

Bye for now, we're dyeing Easter eggs tonight, then off to Suzhou (the Venice of the East) for the weekend. Riding a train during a national holiday weekend (Tomb Sweeping Day). So crowded we aren't even sitting together. That figures to be grist for the blog mill, even though the train ride is shorter than the ride from our apartment to the train station! Happy iPad day and Baseball Opening Day!