Just had a fun 3-day weekend. May Day, for those of you living in the US, is International Workers' Day. Not that you'd ever know it living there. Like most of the at-least-semi-developed-world, China gives you May 1 off. So we went downtown for a couple nights. Saw Leo Chu and his family. Tooled around Century Park on a double tandem bike (zip it, Katie Pearmine!) like this one. ate good food, got away from the burbs for some big-city action, and came back refreshed and ready to attack the last 40 days before we get on that big silver bird to jump the pond back to The World. (sorry, lapsed into 'Nam slang there)
alright, 5 failed upload attempts later, I quit. here's some still photos til I can figure out the video thang.
mom and e on a break during our walk to the store

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