Don't call the Pulitzer people. These photos will win no awards. And the best one of them was taken by Cliff, father of Desi's classmate. Please enjoy the fun anyway. The boys paraded through the elementary school, instead of all over campus, because it was raining. We trick or treated after school over at the Racquet Club. Then it was off to the pre-Grand Opening of The Thirsty Monk, where we ate chicken nuggets and pizza and fries and carrot sticks and drank 2-for-1 bevs. Then we walked home, crashed in bed, and slept late. Fun all around.
Here's Desi, He borrowed his ninja suit from the Leipold family (thank yous!).

I got Emmett's khan outfit in Inner Mongolia back in September. (Our Halloween stuff is sitting in our shipment, awaiting customs clearance at the Shanghai airport. We're going on 17 days now at 35 bucks a day for storage fees. ugh...) I couldn't get him to wear the hat for the photo, but I did get the full costume on film. I'll post that soon. Here he is with our neighbor Mia the Lion. Enjoy.
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