Monday, September 3, 2018

Typhoon Jebi

Thanks to Typhoon Jebi, which is coming our way this afternoon, we are home today, ironically on Memorial Day back in the US. (Very Alanis Morisettey-use of the word ironic, I realize). But I can get you/us caught up on our trials and tribulations here in Nagoya!

The whirlwind that was week three here in Nagoya: our shipment (my bed!) arrived Tuesday, which meant the joy and struggle of unpacking and figuring out where to put all...this...stuff. And we got rid of so much stuff! Hey Americans: you have a lot of stuff. It's nice, however, to sit at a table and sleep in a bed again. And most--most--of our stuff made it rather unscathed. Wednesday-Friday, the gang of Pearlz left Nagoya for school retreats up in the mountains near Nagano. Gary and Emmett went on the 7th grade trip (because Mr. Pearlz is Emmett's homeroom teacher), I went camping with the 9th graders, and Des was at a different campground with the 10th graders. It was a blast: beautiful, the kids were great, and we got to be out in nature: hiking, kayaking, canyoning, mountain biking, geocaching, etc. But first off, the move:

before shot:

Day one!
Borrowed comfort

Today (we're getting there!):

Bookshelf over the balcony

One injury: a broken and fractured foot for this Bartle antique. Mom reminded me that it's just stuff, but I am in the market for a wood foot doctor here in Nagoya. I'm a big believer that scars add character!

NOW! For the real fun, pics from our trip. (Des took no pics. I'd like to think it's because he was having too much fun. I'm happy to report he came home with his cell phone, so that's all good!

From Hakuba, where I was camping with the 9th graders. We did get evacuated at 1 am from our campsite on Thursday night, due to the craziest thunder and lightning show I've ever seen. It was shook the ground! 

View from the bus on the way to Nagano
Rather self explanatory

Kids getting instruction on how to set up tents

I'm intents! It's confirmed!

Pretty contrast in colors

 Geocaching with a group of impulsive 14 yr old boys. It was fun...until it wasn't. I think we covered 6 miles in 2hours. They found it annoying I wouldn't run from site to site.

Scoping out the mountain for the future...

Local taxidermy...not a specialty here, obvi

View from the bridge next to our campground.

Pano from our hike

Hanging with the locals

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