On Friday night, about 7:30, Emmett was upset so I asked why. He said "I want to go back to school."
The next day, apropos of not much, he said, "I love my teacher." What a great start! Much better than last year, when he was mad at his teachers for months because they had yet to teach him to read and write.
As for Desi, he is loving being back with his buddies. Playing catch, swimming, some Wii games at his friends' houses. Can you imagine how many hours I would have played Lego Indiana Jones if they had had that when I was a kid? Not to mention Lego Star Wars video games. KIDS THESE DAYS are so lucky. Back in my day...
Some more pics and then it's off to the sports store to get Emmett's bike tire fixed. Plus some golf balls to go with my new clubs I just bought. First set ever!
A shout-out to Grandpa Gary is in order. Feel better, rest up, I'll see you soon.
Here's E and Mia, in matching combat unis. (In the war for peace, that is)

Not easy to get shots of Desi, as he never sits still. SO here's one of E in the reading nook. Our new apt.'s best feature.

Looking good boys!