In other news, Gary worked out on Tuesday. A word of advice: Next time you return from a 15-year break from strenuous physical activity, go easy. I can hardly move, two days later.
I am listening to the Beatles album "Let it Be" for the first time right now. How is this possible that I have never listened to this?
Random RV adventure pics...
Below, see proof we went to Legoland. Not a prize-winning photo, I realize.

Grampa Steve playing Toy Story Yahtzee:

At La Fonda del Sol in Scottsdale. We ate lunch there 2 days in a row. My mom claimed that my dad insisted that we once got food poisoning there. Tasted fine to us. But what do we know? We live in China.

While in Scottsdale, we met up at McCormick Railroad Park with my grade-school pals Brad, Chip, Eric, Greg and their families. Great to see all them and fun to ride the train again. It's been 25 years, at least.

But before all of that, we were in LA.
We saw Jen and Philip and Violet and Henry. Friends from Portland.

we ate lunch at jerry's famous deli. i think the name has changed. maybe it's so famous that they dropped that part of the name? anyway, i asked Sarah to take this because one of my best friends here at SAS is named Jerry.

we DID get some sun, before the rain and snow hit. Here's the beach, just steps from where we spent our first-ever night in the RV. Dockweiler Beach, near Playa del Rey.

Q: and what is this?

A: More pics to come from the aquarium in Long Beach, but for now, I give you a sea dragon. Yes, this is a creature, not a plant as you might have assumed. See, you learned something today.
Hang in there, folks. Days are gettin' longer!
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