Saturday, August 2, 2008

the eagles have landed

we are here in shanghai. zhudi town was jumping on a saturday night as our bus rolled into Westwood Green, our new gated community. (never thought I'd write those words).

flight was fine, kids were great, Benadryl was used sparingly, iPod was not. 

we all woke up about 2 in the morning, after 4 hours of sleep. our place is nice. all the people we have met have been nice. including the 2 security guards who came to turn off the alarm Emmett activated. there's these red panic buttons on the wall, right at kid height. surprise, emmy pushed one.

we are mostly unpacked, and tired, but very excited. Desi had already befriended one of new neighbors here at WWG before we even left the San Fran airport. another family new to the school was on our flight.

photos soon. i'm low on battery (my computer is too)



  1. I hope you guys had a successful flight. Miss you and hope you get settled easily and quickly. Skype soon. We are zacharyblock. Lots of love and kisses. Rachel

  2. hey guys!!! So happy to hear from you, glad so far so good. Got your package today, Aldine news so funny!! Dad coming up next week and we'll be skyping you!! Really excited to be able to see you and your pad. I'll send you some Papa Johns coupons!!! e

  3. ah emmy, a man after my own heart...always push the alarms! why else would they say "push" on them. it's simple logic, really.
